Manager Resources - Part-time Hiring





Training Title Time Location

Workday Recruiting – Job Requisition: On Demand & Self-Paced Module

Alternate Format of Job Requisitions (Word document)


Self-paced Candidate Management

Alternate Format of Candidate Management (Word document)

Workday Recruiting Video Channel (manager, MRS, search committee, HRC, FO playlists):   Online


Knowledge Base Articles
List of Recruiting Job Aids  
Out-of-State Hiring Restrictions  

Job Application Process

How to Apply for Jobs at Penn State
Job Requisition


Part-time Hiring Process
Initiating an Offer
Time Entry, Approval, and Payroll Deadline

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Create a Job Requisition?

Creating a job requisition is done in Workday. Depending on whether creating a non-academic job or academic part-time job will determine the steps take:

PT Non-Academic

For step-by-step instructions, see the How to Create a Job Requisition for a Part-Time Non-Academic Hire knowledge base article.

PT Academic.

For step-by-step instructions, see the How to Create a Job Requisition for a Part-Time Academic Hire knowledge base article.

How Can my Student Candidate Apply on my Job?

1. Login to Workday.

2. Click on Student Openings.

3. Click on Part-time Employment Opportunities.

4. Search for the job you're looking for and click on the link.

5. Click the Apply button.

How Can a Student, who is also an Employee, Apply on my Job?

1. Login to Workday.

2. Click on the Career worklet.

3. Click on Career Opportunities.

4. Search for the job you're looking for and click on the link.

5. Click Apply button.

How Do I Apply for a Job?

Depending on your affiliation with the University, there are different scenarios in how you would apply for a job. See the How to Apply for Jobs at Penn State pdf to find the appropriate application process.

What is the Status of my Hire?

Real time detailed candidate status updates can be found in Workday under the Candidate's Profile. 
1. Select Actions > Business Process > Business Process Event History
2. Select the application and Click OK
3. Then Select the Process tab beside Details

In addition, status updates/notes from the recruiter can now be found in the Overview tab in the Candidate Profile.

How Do I Move a Candidate to Offer Status?

Depending on the job type (Academic vs. Non-Academic) the steps that need to be taken to move a candidate to offer status will vary.

How does my Candidate Accept their Offer?

Depending on the offer type (FT, PT, Academic, Non-Academic) the steps taken to accept a job offer may differ. See the step-by-step instructions to accept a job offer based on the various job types.