Department Mail & Office Space

Some departments may provide retirees with a place to receive mail. Providing office space to benefits-eligible retirees is your department or college's decision and is on a space-available basis. There is no University policy on the matter.

It is important that you keep the University and your retirement system informed of your proper mailing address as well as your medical insurance provider and your local Social Security Office. Among the offices you should notify are:

Penn State University
Employee Benefits
The 331 Building
Suite 136
University Park, 16802

State Employees’ Retirement System
30 N. Third Street, P.O. Box 1147
Harrisburg, PA 17101

730 Third Ave.
New York, NY 10017

Federal Retirement Office of Personnel Management Employees Service and Records Center
Legislative Route 10068
Branchton Road
Boyers, PA 16017

Public School Employees’ Retirement System
P.O. Box 125
Harrisburg, PA 17108