About Us
The University Staff Advisory Council (USAC) is the Voice for Penn State Staff. USAC was appointed in January 1995 by the Associate Vice President for Human Resources to act in an advisory capacity to the Central Administration. Guided by the principles of shared governance, our purpose is to work alongside University leadership and stakeholders to support Penn State staff and the University’s overall success. We act as a liaison, conveying staff insights, lived experiences, and perspectives to the administration while actively seeking and listening to feedback from administrators and staff.
As a representative staff body, we work to ensure that all staff voices are heard, empowered, and valued. Our role is to:
- Solicit and listen to staff insights and lived experiences
- Convey staff ideas and opinions to University administration
- Engage in a regular exchange with administration on staff-related issues
- Advise administration on policy matters and concerns, suggesting solutions to challenges and offering constructive input in the formulation of policies
- Inform employees of the progress of strategic University initiatives
- Perform other duties designed to create and sustain an affirming and supportive operational environment
- Remain responsive to the needs of the University and its staff
USAC Bylaws
USAC bylaws outline how USAC governs its internal operations.
Our Mission, Vision and Priorities
2024 - 2025 Annual Term Priorities
- Transparent pathways for career advancement for staff
- Inclusion of staff at all levels and all campuses in decision-making
- Improved communication and engagement from leadership
USAC strives to elevate the role of staff, promote staff general welfare, enhance work environments, increase staff representation in decision-making, and drive improvements that further the institution's ability to accomplish its mission and goals.
USAC's vision is to serve as a vital advocacy and consultative body that works alongside University leadership and stakeholders to strengthen Penn State’s position as a model employer that supports, values, and recognizes the contributions of all staff.
Members of USAC advocate for and represent Penn State staff, ensuring their voices are heard. At the request of University leadership, USAC is involved in various efforts to provide the staff perspective on major initiatives.
Below are several initiatives that USAC members are involved in to showcase our work and emphasize the importance of staff engagement with USAC.
External Committee Participation
USAC members are frequently invited to serve on external committees. The General Council is informed of all available positions, and any member can apply to the Chair to
serve. Below are the external committees USAC members participated in during the 2023-2024 term.
- Academic Program & Portfolio Review
- APPR RFP Review (May 2024-July 2024)
- Budget Working Group (completed)
- Compensation Modernization
- Health Care Advisory Committee
- Joint Committee on University Budget
- Mentoring Work Group
- Optimized Service Teams (Finance, IT, Facilities, Safety)
- Retirement Oversight Committee
- SIMBA Governance
- Skills Framework Working Group
- Values Center for Excellence
Faculty Senate Committees
- Faculty [Employee] Benefits
- Ed Equity and Campus Environment
- Intra-University Relations
Campus Outreach Meetings
Quarterly Travel Outreach and Engagement meetings focus on strengthening USAC's connection with local campus Staff Advisory Councils. These events help increase collaboration and improve the understanding of the opportunities and challenges faced by staff across the Commonwealth.