People laughing

Social Well-being

As human beings, we are social beings. None of us live or work in a vacuum and we all need social interaction to thrive. At Penn State, we are part of an organization that realizes that our overall well-being requires positive social interaction. Social well-being involves five (5) different dimensions of our lives including;

As part of our workplace culture at Penn State, we strive to create an atmosphere that allows individuals to grow, develop, and interact with others in an open and honest atmosphere. Penn State seeks to advance a diverse and inclusive community by ensuring an environment that is free from discrimination and harrassment.

We want to help our employees by promoting positive social well-being. Visit these University sites for more information.


Penn State's Office of Equal Opportunity and Access

The Office of Equal Opportunity and Access (OEOA) supports Penn State’s strategic goals of advancing a diverse and inclusive community by providing expert advice and leadership to colleges, campuses, and all non-academic units, to promote an environment free from discrimination and harassment.

Penn State Advancing Inclusion, Equity, & Diversity

Diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging are fundamental to the University’s values and mission to support all members of our Commonwealth and beyond. We strive to assertively incorporate these values into our research, teaching, learning, outreach, assessment, operations, and decision making at all levels of the University.