Membership Model

Key Terms

Creation of the USAC Membership Model

Elective Unit Members

At-Large Members

Membership Breakdown

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Key Terms

  • Elective Unit – A pre-determined set of units comprised of 22 campuses, 12 academic colleges, # academic units, and # administrative units. (*Note – These are budgetary units) 
  • Elected Member – An individual elected by their elective unit to serve as a member of USAC (University Staff Advisory Council). 
  • At-Large Member – A group of 15 individuals who apply and are selected for membership on USAC.  
  • Ex-Officio- Ex-Officio members are appointed by an external University organization or unit as outlined in the USAC Procedural Guidelines. They may be granted a seat if voted on and approved by the Council and may be replaced at the discretion of the USAC officers in coordination with the external organization’s leadership. Ex-Officio members do not have voting privileges and are not eligible to hold elected office or committee Chair positions. 
  • SAC – Local Staff Advisory Council (SAC) formed by and consisting of the staff from a unit, and which serves as an advocate for staff and as an advisory body to that unit’s administration. Connects with USAC but operates independently. 

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Creation of the USAC Membership Model

Proposed procedures and policies building on the membership structure proposal approved at the June 2024 USAC General Council meeting:  

  • The following Elective Unit/At-Large Membership Model shall be implemented over a three-year Transition Period beginning July 1, 2024, and ending June 30, 2027. 
  • Under the Elective Unit/At-Large Membership Model, USAC’s membership shall include 15 selected At-Large members and a staff member elected from each of the designated 59 campuses, colleges, and academic/administrative units, hereby referred to as “elective units” and subject to voluntary participation by each elective unit.  
  • The campuses, academic/administrative units, and colleges that comprise an elective unit for USAC membership for the period 2024-2028 are defined on pages 3 and 4 of this document. 
  • The eligibility of members under this new membership model and the conditions and responsibilities of membership are governed by the USAC Bylaws. 
  • Formal review of the Elective Unit/At-Large Membership Model shall occur during the July 1, 2027-June 30, 2028, USAC Year and every two fiscal years that follow. 

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Elective Unit Members

  • Staff of each elective unit shall be encouraged to elect a USAC member from among their local Staff Advisory Councils (SAC). 
  • MORE THAN ONE SAC: If more than one SAC exists within an elective unit, collectively those SACs shall elect one member from that elective unit to serve on USAC. 
  • NO SAC: If an elective unit does not have a local SAC, they may elect a USAC member from the full-time staff of that elective unit in the way that best serves that elective unit. USAC shall guide elective units to help establish a local SAC and/or conduct elections as requested. 
  • Elective units may form SACs and/or elect their USAC member at any time; however, all USAC members’ terms will begin on July 1 of their elected year unless they are replacing a member who has resigned. 
  • Elective units must share information on their proposed member with the Membership and Elections Committee timestamped by May 1 so they may be seated on USAC on July 1.  

Transition Period July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2027 

Throughout the Transition Period, USAC will update its bylaws, accordingly, communicate the new membership structure to all relevant stakeholders, provide regular updates on progress during the transition period, and reevaluate the process and structure annually during the transition period and then every two years beginning on July 1, 2028.    

July 1, 2024-June 30, 2025 

  • During this period, USAC will establish procedures that will support a smooth transition to and the sustainability of the elective unit/at-large membership model. No elective unit members will be added to USAC during this year. 
  • During this period, USAC will help existing SACs within an elective unit to cooperatively elect a staff person to serve on USAC. If accepted, the new member’s three-year term will begin on July 1, 2025.  
  • Members drawn from SACs that form after the May 1, 2025, deadline will begin their three-year terms on July 1, 2026. 
  • USAC will keep local SACs informed of progress made and any relevant new processes established for this new membership model. 
  • USAC will continue to guide interested staff in forming new local SACs within their elective units. 

July 1, 2025-June 30, 2026  

  • The first elected USAC members begin serving their three-year terms on July 1, 2025. 
  • During this period, USAC will continue to help an elective unit’s SACs cooperatively elect a member to serve on USAC and will continue to guide interested staff in forming local SACs within their elective units. 
  • Members elected during this time will begin their three-year term on July 1, 2026.  
  • Members drawn from SACs that form after the May 1, 2026, deadline will begin their three-year terms the following year on July 1, 2027. 

July 1, 2026-June 30, 2027 

  • During this period, USAC will help elective units without a local SAC to elect a staff person to serve as a USAC member.  
  • Members elected during this time will begin their three-year term on July 1, 2027. 
  • Members drawn from SACs that form after the May 1, 2027, deadline will begin their three-year terms the following year on July 1, 2028.   

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At-Large Members

  • The Membership and Elections Committee will continue to be responsible for recruiting and selecting At-Large members. Recruitment occurs during the Spring Semester each year.  
  • At-Large members shall be selected based on their commitment to the Council’s mission and their ability to contribute effectively while being mindful of the University’s commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging.  
  • Once the Transition Period is completed, the total number of At-Large members shall not exceed 15 members per USAC Bylaws.  

Transition Period July 2024 through June 2027:  

During the Transition Period, USAC members whose terms began on or before July 1, 2024, shall continue to serve until their terms expire. 

During the Transition Period, the Membership and Elections Committee will recruit new members as needed to establish the following At-Large membership totals:   

  • Spring 2024 Recruitment: Maintain current incoming roster of 30 members.  
  • Spring 2025 Recruitment: Adjust filling of open At-Large member seats to bring the total At-Large members to 25 members for the 2025-2026 USAC Year.  
  • Spring 2026 Recruitment: Adjust filling of open At-Large member seats to bring the total At-Large members to 20 members for the 2026-2027 USAC Year. 
  • Spring 2027 Recruitment: Adjust filling of open At-Large member seats to bring the total At-Large members to 15 members for the 2027-2028 USAC Year and maintain that number henceforth. 

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Membership Breakdown

Total Membership: 76 includes Selected Members, Colleges, Academic and Administrative Support Units, Campuses, and Selected Members (At-Large and Ex-Officio).

Selected Members 

At-Large Members: 15 

Ex-Officio (2) 


Colleges (15) 

  1. College of Agricultural Sciences 
  2. College of Arts and Architecture 
  3. Smeal College of Business 
  4. Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications 
  5. College of Earth and Mineral Sciences 
  6. College of Education 
  7. College of Engineering 
  8. The Graduate School 
  9. College of Health and Human Development 
  10. Penn State Dickinson Law 
  11. College of Liberal Arts 
  12. Ross and Carol College of Nursing 
  13. College of Medicine 
  14. Eberly College of Science 
  15. College of Information Sciences and Technology 

Academic and Administrative Support Units

Academic and Administrative Support Units (24) 

  1. Schreyer Honors College 
  2. Millennium Scholars 
  3. Governmental Affairs 
  4. Sustainability Institute 
  5. Student Affairs 
  6. Educational Equity 
  7. Online Education 
  8. Planning, Assessment, and Institutional Research 
  9. University Libraries 
  10. Undergraduate Education 
  11. Faculty Affairs 
  12. Equal Opportunity and Access 
  13. Global Programs 
  14. General Counsel 
  15. Outreach 
  16. Enrollment Management 
  17. Senior VP/Chief of Staff  
  18. OSVPR 
  19. Strategic Communications 
  20. Intercollegiate Athletics 
  21. Finance and Business 
  22. Human Resources 
  23. Development and Alumni Relations 
  24. Applied Research Lab  


Campuses (20) 

  1. Abington 
  2. Altoona 
  3. Behrend 
  4. Beaver 
  5. Berks 
  6. Brandywine 
  7. Dubois 
  8. Fayette 
  9. Greater Allegheny 
  10. Great Valley 
  11. Harrisburg 
  12. Hazelton 
  13. Lehigh Valley 
  14. Mont Alto 
  15. New Kensington 
  16. Schuylkill 
  17. Scranton 
  18. Shenango 
  19. Wilkes-Barre 
  20. York