
SupportLinc is Penn State's Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provider. SupportLinc's resources are available to full-time, benefits-eligible Penn State employees, Post-doctoral Appointees, their spouse and dependents, as well as members of their household. Contact SupportLinc at (first-time visitors will need to set up an account), group code: pennstate, or call 1.888.501.3532. Supportlinc provides:

Want to learn more? Maximize this new benefit by learning more about SupportLinc's resources. Attend an upcoming information session.


Whether you want to start small or make a big life change, a little bit of support can go a long way. Textcoach® allows you to connect with an emotional wellbeing "Coach" on your own terms – no appointments or wait times!


Strengthen mental health and overall wellbeing using Animo’s self-guided content, practical resources and daily inspiration to foster meaningful and lasting behavior change. 

Manager Consultation

SupportLinc provides HR, managers and supervisors with expert consultation related to a variety of workplace issues.

Digital Support Group

Provides confidential group sessions on a wide variety of topics via the desktop or mobile platform.

Mental Health Navigator

When life gets hectic, your emotional wellbeing can sometimes fall to the bottom of your to-do list. The Mental Health Navigator survey and personalized report make starting your journey easy and fast.

Addiction Care Navigator

The Addiction Care Navigator online assessment offers a stigma-free, anonymous and confidential way to assess substance use risk and immediately connect you with care and support.