Full-Time Staff Job Catalog

View the Full-Time Staff Job Catalog

Penn State’s full-time staff job profiles are designed to reflect the current job market and facilitate Penn State’s goal of attracting and retaining talent.

Job and Career Architecture

All full-time staff job profiles are organized into overarching job family groups, with each group containing several individual job profiles. Each job profile is assigned a specific job level which results in an individual position. 

Our job architecture houses over 500 job profiles, with each profile and level combination numbering over 1,600. This allows for clear distinctions between the type of work being performed at the University and helps differentiate pay for different work. 

Job Levels

Full-time staff job levels fall under four main job level categories: support, professional, supervisor, and manager. Within these four categories are individual levels that are applied to job profiles. Each job profile has one or more possible level associated with it depending on the content of each job. Please note, some job profiles may have a limited number of job levels associated with them.

"chart showing four job levels, including support, professional, supervisor, and manager. Below support is listed support, intermediate support, and senior support. Below professional is listed professional, intermediate professional, advanced professional, senior professional, and principal professional. Below supervisor is listed supervisor and senior supervisor. Below manager is listed manager, senior manager, and principal manager."

Philosophy and Framework

Philosophy & Career Framework

Learn about Penn State's staff compensation philosophy and career framework.

Job Architecture

Job Architecture

Learn about Penn State's staff job architecture.

Salary Structure

Salary Structure and Pay Guidelines

Learn about Penn State's staff salary structure and pay guidelines.