Customized Services

Our seminars and workshops can be tailored and delivered upon request. If your professional development needs extend beyond the offerings listed on our site, we can develop a workshop, or series of workshops, to meet your specific requirements. Customized services can be delivered to any work unit at any location.

Fees for customized services are negotiated. If you are interested in learning more, please fill-out the Requested Program Intake Form

Once we receive this information, we will contact you to schedule a phone call with one of our Requested Program representatives.  


Employee Development Planning

Our planning services are available to help you create and implement a professional development "package" of programs. For instance, some areas of the University collaborate with Talent Management to create and implement annual professional development plans. This ensures a greater impact at a lower cost while allowing you to capitalize on the full range of programs and expertise offered.

360-Degree Feedback

This confidential online assessment offers anonymous feedback about your performance strengths and development needs as seen by you, the person to whom you report, your peers, and your direct reports [if applicable]. Different versions of the 360-Degree Performance Profile are available for individuals without supervisory and management responsibilities. After we administer the online questionnaire, we will summarize the results for you in an individual feedback report. Rather than using the 360 as a tool for evaluation as an end in itself, the process will enable you to focus your development efforts and time on aspects of performance that are critical for your effectiveness, success, and achievement of your career goals.

Customer Satisfaction

We offer customer service assessments, which can be used as a benchmarking tool in measuring, monitoring, and improving customer satisfaction.

  • Improve Productivity
  • Establish Goals & Action Steps
  • Manage Conflict
  • Improve Communication
  • Clarify Individual Roles & Strengths
  • Strengthen Collaboration
  • Build Consensus
  • Improve Efficiency
  • Collaborative pre-planning of meeting goals and activities
  • Guidance for group discussion, problem-solving, and decision-making
  • Development of action plans
  • Consulting

Change Management

Support services are available to work units facing organizational change.


Team Building

These services help teams and groups work cooperatively and productively with one another.

Group Facilitation

These services help groups make decisions, solve problems, and communicate more effectively. Facilitation enhances communication by creating an environment that encourages people to share perspectives and improve understanding. Facilitation services ensure that your meetings, retreats, and conferences are effective and productive. A skilled facilitator can help your group follow its agenda and avoid the hazards of tangential discussions unnecessary conflict, and emotionally-charged issues.