Full-Time Termination Process


This is the process for processing a resignation, termination, or transfer of a full-time employee within the Human Resources Transformation Pilot. Included are: identification of responsibilities, procedures, and workflow needed. 


Below are the steps that outline the process for completing a resignation, termination, or transfer of a full-time employee within the Human Resources Transformation Pilot. Included are: identification of responsibilities, procedures, and workflow needed.  

  • Employee notifies supervisor of resignation.
  • Supervisor notifies HRC (preferably by submitting copy of resignation letter/email) and clarifies Emeritus status and Emeritus title
  • HRC sends 2 emails, concurrently, that initiate paths below.

Email A:

  • HRC sends one of three (transferring within Penn State, retiring, leaving Penn State) employee exit checklists to the employee and cc’s employee’s supervisor and the TSC.

Email B:

  • HRC sends email with HR102 attached to employee’s supervisor and security access group. (Each consultant maintains a security access list specific to his/her college.) The TSC and the employee do NOT get this email. Content of email will contain a reminder that each person listed in the security access group will be responsible that the HR102 requirements for his/her area are completed properly.
  • Supervisor returns form to HRC.
  • HRC files form in employee file.
  • TSC sends exit survey invitation a few weeks before the employee’s departure:

Subject: Invitation to College of [NAME OF COLLEGE] Exit Survey

The College of [NAME OF COLLEGE] Human Resources team would like to invite you to participate in an exit survey.  As employees leave the College, we welcome feedback about your experiences as an employee in order to learn more about what we do well, and also those areas where we could improve.  

Please note that your participation is entirely voluntary and all of the following questions, including any identifying information, are optional.  The information you provide through the completion of this survey will be used to provide aggregate data to the College’s Administration and department management, and may be shared in its entirety when deemed necessary. 

If you would like to participate in the survey, which should only take a few minutes to complete, please go to [insert survey link specific to employee’s College].

We also like to speak directly with employees for a more personal touch.  If you would prefer to complete the exit survey over the phone or in person, please let us know and we will schedule a time for you to speak with a member of the Transactional Support Center team.

We appreciate your feedback!

Thank you,

The Human Resources Team

  • TSC completes process workflow termination form (if leaving the University) or IBIS transfer (if transferring within the University)