Wage/Work Study Termination Process
This is the process for terminating a wage payroll or work study employee within the F&B/ICA HR Consolidation. Included are: identification of responsibilities, procedures, workflows, and forms needed.
Below are the steps that outline the process for terminating a wage payroll or work study employee within the F&B/ICA HR Consolidation.
For departments completing their own wage payroll hiring and IBIS appointments (BJC, CWC, HFS, and ICA):
- Departmental Contact/Hiring Manager identifies need to terminate a wage or work study employee (assignment ends, employment ends for any reason, or employee has not been paid by department in previous six months)
- Departmental Contact/Hiring Manager completes WTER form in IBIS
- Departmental Contact/Hiring Manager completes HR102 Transfer/Separation Checklist (for both wage payroll and work study), writes WTER form number at top of form, and sends to HR Services
- Departmental Contact/Hiring Manager monitors retention of wage and work study files, shredding after three years from date of termination (or date last paid when there is not a known termination date)
- Departmental Contact/Hiring Manager process a WTER for all wage terminations. This should be done prior to the end of the current IBIS wage appointment. If a wage employee will continue to work, the Departmental Contact/Hiring Manager should process a WUPD to update the appointment with a new end date.
For departments whose wage payroll are currently hired and appointed by HR Services (OBS, OPP, and PSHS):
- Departmental Contact/Hiring Manager identifies need to terminate a wage or work study employee (assignment ends, employment ends for any reason, or employee has not been paid by department in previous six months)
- Departmental Contact/Hiring Manager completes and submits Wage Termination Form and sends to HR Services ([email protected])
- Departmental Contact/Hiring Manager completes HR102 Transfer/Separation Checklist (for both wage payroll and work study), and sends to HR Services
- HR Services completes wage termination form in IBIS
- Departmental Contact/Hiring Manager monitors retention of any department wage and work study files and Work Unit HR monitors pertinent files, shredding after three years from date of termination (or date last paid when there is not a known termination date)