Managing the Work

As a manager, you have responsibility for defining and organizing the work your team does. This means setting the strategy, establishing the path to achieve strategic goals, and ensuring your team members are focused on the right work and have the tools and resources they need to meet their objectives. In this track of the Management Concepts series, participants will focus on defining, organizing, and managing the work. 

Courses in the Managing the Team track are:

  • Making Connections
  • Developing a Strategic Plan
  • Financial Stewardship
  • Maintaining Effective Business Processes
  • Problem Solving and Decision Making

To register for these courses, visit the Management Concepts Program Page in the LRN.

Keep the conversation going with group coaching

After you've completed the Managing the Work, you'll have the opportunity to apply what you've learned in the classroom in the real world. We’ve established group coaching, which extends the concepts discussed in the program. Participants will be part of a group of 5-8 program peers. With the support of a facilitator, the group will participate in six (6), 90-minute sessions. During these sessions, participants will identify specific topics or situations they want to address using a blend of facilitation and peer coaching. (Dates and sign up coming soon)