Reappointment Process
This is the process for reappointing a faculty or staff member within the College of Arts and Architecture and the College of Education. Included are: identification of responsibilities, procedures, workflows, and forms needed.
Below are the steps that outline the process for reappointing a faculty or staff member within the College of Arts and Architecture and the College Education.
- TSC will email department contact with a list of appointments that will be ending
- This notification will typically be sent two months before the end of the appointment, or earlier in the case of appointments on the fiscal-year cycle (July 1 through June 30 appointments)
- Notification of Reappointment Form is completed for those individuals the department plans to reappoint
- For end-of-fiscal year appointments, the department may complete one Notification of Appointment form and attach a spreadsheet listing the reappointments
- The form is routed and submitted to HRC by department contact
- HRC will review Notification of Reappointment form and send to TSC
- TSC will prepare Memorandum of Personal Service (MPS) and send to HRC
- HRC will send MPS to department contact
- Department contact will obtain employee’s signature and return the MPS to the HRC
- HRC will notify TSC of MPS signature date after receiving signed MPS from department
- TSC will process reappointment in IBIS