Military/Veterans' Resources
Penn State values everyone who has served and continues to serve our country. Below are resources compiled as part of our commitment to supporting our veteran employees and their families. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your HR Strategic Partner, or Penn State’s University-wide Military and Veterans’ Employee Resource Group.
Employment Resources
Military Status Update
Penn State employees can voluntarily update their military status in Workday, as explained in this job aid.
Military Leave of Absence
Any full-time employee who has completed one day of employment with the University immediately preceding the effective date of the requested military leave, and who has been ordered to report to active duty (deployment, field training, etc.) is eligible.
Paid Time Off
A member of the Pennsylvania National Guard or any reserve component of the United States Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, or Coast Guard will be paid for up to fifteen workdays per calendar year while engaging in active service of the United States, including field training.
Time Off Without Pay
Leave of absence without salary for active military service will be granted for a combined total of sixty calendar months unless a longer absence is provided by exception by law. Immediately prior to the leave, the employee can choose to use or not use all or part of the accumulated vacation, personal holiday, service days, or compensatory time off, before the no-pay status begins.
Continuation of Benefits
As long as the employee is being paid by the University, benefits, coverages, deductions, and retirement contributions will continue. When no pay status begins, employees will have the option to continue any or all benefits in which they are enrolled for themselves and/or their eligible dependents, at normal employee contribution rates. Some benefits may include a war exclusion. University retirement contributions will stop. When employees return to work, if they decide to make retirement contributions to cover the period of time they were absent, Penn State contributions will also be made to the extent required by law. Some part-time employees may have re-employment rights upon completion of military service. For details see University Policy HR19, Leave of Absence for Active Military Service or Training.
FMLA for Qualifying Exigencies
The Federal Family and Medical Leave (FMLA) entitles eligible employees to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave in a 12-month period to address certain qualifying exigencies related to their spouse, child, or parent's call to active duty or active duty status in the National Guard or Reserves. Some of these qualifying exigencies include attending certain military events, arranging for alternative childcare, addressing certain financial and legal arrangements, attending certain counseling sessions, and attending post-development reintegration briefings.
Employees are eligible for FMLA leave if they have been employed either part- or full-time with the University for at least 12 months, which do not need to be consecutive or continuous, and have worked at least 1,250 hours in the 12 months prior to their absence. The FMLA Certification Form, available from their supervisor or HRSP needs to be completed. FMLA requires all covered absences are recorded as FMLA.
Because University policies typically exceed the FMLA 12-week provision, employees should refer to the applicable University policy or union agreement to answer any questions about their absence (length, pay, etc.). FMLA time and absences provided by the University policies run concurrently.
FMLA to Care for a Family Member Injured while on Active Duty
FMLA provides for a total of 26 work weeks of unpaid leave during any consecutive 12-month period when the employee needs to care for a child, parent, spouse, or next of kin who is a military service member who was injured in the line of duty. For more information please refer to time off for a family member's illness or injury.
Health & Well-Being Resources
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Free and voluntary resources via SupportLinc for benefits-eligible employees, their spouses, dependent children, parents, and parents-in-law. Eligible family members do not have to reside with the employee to participate. A licensed EAP professional is available 24/7, accessible through 1.888.501.3532 to provide support and short-term counseling an unlimited number of times, and up to five additional in-person/virtual sessions with a local or remote counselor per issue at no cost. Help is available to locate support services such as child care, elder care, legal, and financial help.
EAP & Work/Life
SupportLinc offers tools, tips, and resources to support mental, emotional, physical, and financial well-being, including articles, videos, webinars, forms, locators, and more.
Educational Resources
Tuition Discount
The 75% tuition discount benefit is available to Veteran full-time employees, retirees, those with Emeritus status, their spouses, and dependent children up to the age of 26. This discount applies to World Campus, Penn State resident instruction at all campuses, and Pennsylvania College of Technology. See University Policy HR36 and HR37 for additional information.
GI Bill
Penn State Veteran full-time employees are eligible for the GI Bill through the US Federal Government.
VA Work-Study Program
The VA work-study program provides Veterans with work opportunities while enrolled in a college program.
Office of Veterans Affairs and Resources
Penn State's Office of Veterans Affairs and Resources serves Penn State's military and veteran community including faculty and staff who are veterans, student service members, and student veterans via education, outreach, sharing resources, and military appreciation activities.
Office of Veterans Programs
The Office of Veterans Programs serves military-affiliated students and Department of Veterans Affairs benefits recipients via outreach, certification, mentorship, and counseling.
Office of Educational Equity Scholarships
Scholarship opportunities are available for student veterans, actively serving military members, and military dependents.
Adult Learner Programs and Services
Comprehensive programs and services are available for non-traditional students.
Penn State Graduate School
Penn State graduate admissions welcomes Veterans and military services members.
Penn State Commission for Adult Learners
This commission is composed of faculty, staff, and students from multiple campuses, and is dedicated to improving the adult learner experience at Penn State.
Penn State Community Resources
Penn State Military Appreciation
Penn State's military appreciation website lists military appreciation events throughout the year at Penn State, and other resources including submitting Penn State military profiles of service, and Penn State Military Family story.
Clearinghouse for Military & Family Readiness
This interdisciplinary Penn State applied research center, located within the Social Science Research Institute (SSRI) with a team of faculty and staff focuses on helping professionals identify, implement, evaluate, and improve programs that strengthen military service members, veterans, and their families.
Penn State Law Veterans and Service Members Law Clinic
Penn State Law Veterans and Servicemembers Legal Clinic offers students hands-on experience representing veterans and current servicemembers in some of the unique legal issues they encounter.
Penn State Student Veteran Organizations on Multiple Campuses
• Student Veterans of America (SVA)
• Penn State University Veteran Organization (PSUVO)
• Omega Delta Sigma co-ed fraternity chapters for ventures
• Chi Gamma Iota scholastic honor society and co-ed fraternity for veterans and service members
• Military Service Organization online military-connected student community for World Campus students
• Military Law Caucus for law and school of International Affairs Students
• Student veteran centers and Lounges exist on multiple campuses, including the student Veteran Center in the Ritenour Building on the University Park
Trout Unlimited - Spring Creek Chapter
The Veterans Service Program for Veterans and their families offers opportunities to connect, volunteer, and socialize, along with opportunities for great fishing.
Government Resources
National Offices
US Department of Veterans Affairs
VA Medical Centers
National Center for PTSD
Military Onesource
Department of Defense funded website with information on multiple topics for Veterans and their families.
Military Defense Finance and Accounting Services (DFAS)
Resources including military pay tables, travel information, child/spousal support, and claim submission.
Department of Defense (DOD) health insurance program serving uniformed service members, retirees, and their families worldwide.
State and Local Offices
PA Department of Military & Veterans Affairs - provides advice and assistance to PA's Veterans and their families and provides care to aging Veterans.
Centre County Veterans Affairs
James Van Zandt Medical Center
2907 Pleasant Valley Blvd.
Altoona PA 16602-4305
p: 877.626.2500
mental health care
p: 814.943.8164 x7305
State College VA Clinic
2581 Clyde Ave.
State College, PA 16801-7508
p: 814.867.5415
mental health care:
p: 814.943.8164 x7305
MYHEALTHEVET - Healthcare management portal
SkillBridge Program
Penn State is an authorized SkillBridge organization. The Department of Defense (DOD) SkillBridge program is an opportunity for service members to gain valuable civilian work experience through specific industry training, apprenticeships, or internships during the last 180 days of military service. DOD SkillBridge provides service members an opportunity to work and learn in civilian career areas and helps industry partners leverage a highly trained and motivated workforce at no cost. Service members participating in SkillBridge receive their military compensation and benefits, and industry partners provide the training and work experience.
All interested Penn State departments and units across all campuses will have the opportunity to participate. Internships could be in any area that contributes to the various business workings of the University, including operations, administration, teaching, research, student services and facilities operations. Please submit an inquiry using this interest form.
If you are a service member who is interested in being considered for a SkillBridge Internship opportunity at Penn State University, please complete this interest form.