Documents for Dependent Verification

Any employee who adds a dependent to their Penn State medical, dental, vision and/or tuition benefit coverage will be required to provide documentation within 45 days of the benefit effective date to demonstrate that the dependent meets Penn State's eligibility criteria for the benefit being selected.

The below list is acceptable documentation for the dependent verification program.

Please note that if any required documentation is not in the English language, you will be responsible for also providing a certified (or notarized) translation in addition to a copy of the original document.


Two documents are required, one from “Document A” and one from “Document B” below:


  • Government-Issued Marriage Certificate:  Proof of marriage must be a government-issued marriage license or marriage certificate including the date of your marriage. Church-issued certificates are not acceptable.

DOCUMENT B (Not required if marriage occurred in last 12 months; Required if you have been married for longer than 1 year)

  • Federal Tax Return within last 2 years listing your spouse:  Send only the first page of your prior year Federal Tax Return (Form 1040) that shows your dependents, and black out all financial information and Social Security numbers.
  • Proof of Joint Ownership issued within the last 6 months:  Proof of Joint Ownership issued within the last 6 months include mortgage statements, bank statements, credit card statements, rental/lease agreements or property tax statements with both parties’ names as co-owners.


  • Biological Child:  Government-Issued Birth Certificate; must include all parent names.
  • Adopted Child:  Government-Issued Birth Certificate or Adoption Certificate or Placement Agreement or Petition
  • Step-Child:  Government-Issued Birth Certificate AND documents to verify Spouse as outlined above. Birth certificates must be government-issued and must include parents’ names
  • Legal Guardianship:  Legal documentation from the state court or federal government documenting the legal guardianship status


Dependent verification documentation can be uploaded within Workday via the following instructions:

  1. Log into Workday via
  2. Select the menu in the top left corner. 
  3. Select Personal Information.
  4. Select Worker Documents under View on the right-hand side. You may need to click the “More (2)” link in order to see Worker Documents.
  5. Click the Add button to upload your dependent verification documentation. Be sure to select “Benefits” as the Document Category.
  6. Once all documents have been uploaded, click the yellow/orange OK button at bottom of screen.