Reinstatement of a Dependent After a Failed Verification

If your dependent(s) has been removed from benefit coverage due to not successfully completing the dependent verification process, the below steps will be required in order for coverage of the dependent(s) to be reinstated.

Instructions for having dependent coverage reinstated after failed dependent verification:

  1. Submit the required dependent verification document for the dependent that failed dependent verification. Instruction on how to submit documentation are outlined below.
  2. Submit an inquiry to have dependent coverage reinstated via the WorkLion HR Portal at, or by calling HR Services at (814) 865-1473. Please note that reinstatement of coverage will NOT occur until the dependent verification documentation has been uploaded in Workday and your dependent(s) is/are successfully verified.
  3. Penn State Employee Benefits will review your submitted dependent verification documentation and your portal inquiry requesting coverage reinstatement. If there are any questions concerning the request, Employee Benefits will correspond with you via your WorkLion HR Portal inquiry.
  4. Once the verification and reinstatement process is complete, Employee Benefits will correspond with you by closing out your open inquiry in the WorkLion HR Portal.

* Note: Should an employee fail to verify a dependent on two separate attempts, and attempt to add the dependent a third time to coverage, Penn State Employee Benefits will remove the dependent from coverage until the dependent verification process has been fully satisfied and approved. If the dependent has been removed by Penn State Employee Benefits, upon a dependent verification being satisfied and approved, the Benefits team will be able to assist with having the dependent added to coverage.

How to upload your dependent verification documentation:

  1. Log into Workday via
  2. Select the Personal Information worklet icon on the Workday home page.
  3. Select Worker Documents under View on the right-hand side (you may need to click the “More (2)” link in order to see Worker Documents).
  4. Click the Add button to upload your dependent verification documentation. Be sure to select Benefits as the Document Category.
  5. Click the yellow/orange OK button.