Performance Management
Performance management is the process of setting expectations, aligning goals, assessing results, and focusing on staff development through ongoing conversations between managers and their direct reports.
The annual performance management cycle is an opportunity for employees and managers to set goals that align with and support organizational objectives for the coming year. Managers should use this process to organize, assign, and track critical activities associated with individual and organizational success.
During the first month of the performance review cycle, in preparation for goal setting in Workday, consider these four questions:
- What are the organizations priorities for the coming year and what are my responsibilities related to these priorities?
- Will my manager or unit leadership establish a cascade goal?
- Are there specific job responsibilities that would benefit from a targeted goal?
- Do I need a refresher related to the process and best practices for setting and managing goals?
Share your work priorities for the coming year with your team, so they can identify goals for the coming year that align with these priorities.
Ongoing Feedback
Throughout the year, meet regularly with your employees to review performance and provide feedback specific to the employee's current goals and job responsibilities. This feedback should also take into consideration how they represent the Penn State Values and the University's Statement on Belonging in their day-to-day activities.
The end-of-year performance rating is the final step in the year-long performance review cycle. Ongoing coaching and feedback throughout from you, the manager, helps to ensure there are no surprises in an employee's final rating for the year.
To explore more information and access job aids related to Performance Management, use the Workforce Planning Toolkit for Managers and visit the Performance Management webpages.