Set Goals
Working with their manager, employees should identify 2-5 goals for the coming year. Goals focus on a blend of topics that include direct support for organizational objectives as well as personal development objectives and may be short term or multi-year. Here are some important considerations:
- Do not exceed 5 goals – they become too cumbersome to manage and it is not realistic to focus on more than 5 “priorities” at one time. However, if your goals are short-term and you complete them quickly, you are able to add new goals.
- Follow SMART goal concepts – identify what success will look like.
- Embed diversity, inclusion and belonging concepts into your objectives - consider how you will positively impact the people and team around you. This can be a diversity-specific goal or demonstrated through the approach you will take to achieve an organizational goal.
- Set realistic due dates – goal duration may be a month, quarter, semester, year or more.
Once goals are identified, the employee must enter their goals in Workday and submit them for review and approval by their manager. Once goals are approved, additional edits can be made in Workday by both the employee and manager. Managers must review the entered goals and approve them in Workday in order for the Set Goals phase to be completed.
- Performance Reviews – Set Goals
- Session - Setting Goals & Expectations for Individual Contributors
- Session - Setting Goals & Expectations for Managers
Questions related to setting goals should be submitted via an inquiry – select “Talent Management/Workplace Learning” as the topic.